2020 MI Celtic Classic Spring

By QSDA (other events)

Saturday, April 17 2021 2:00 PM 6:00 PM EST


Competition Information:
Doors to Endeavor Middle School (22505 26 Mile Rd, Ray, MI 48096) will be open at 8am. Although doors will be unlocked prior to 8am, we are not allowed to have attendees in the building until 8am. Thanks for your assistance on this. 

Registration for Demonstration, Primary, Beginner, Novice, Intermediate and Pre-Championship competitions will take place from 8:00am-8:45am with dancing beginning at 9am. The competition will start with the Beginner and Novice Flora, followed by Primary and Demonstration Pas de Basques, then Intermediate and Pre-Championship Fling.

Registration for the Choreography competition will take place from 10:00am-10:30am with the choreography competition starting at the conclusion of the morning dancing (approximately 11:00am). Choreography max of 1:30. Please email music to [email protected] by May 8, 2020.

Choreography and Morning awards will take place together, starting with choreography. Choreography dancers should stay dressed in choreography costumes for awards.

Championship registration will take place from 11:30am-12:30pm with the Championship competition starting at the conclusion of the morning awards (approximately 12:30pm). Championship age groups: 7 & Under 12, 12 & Under 14, 14 & Under 16, 16 & Under 18, 18 & Over. May be adjusted based on entries received.

Competition will be conducted in accordance with the rules of S.O.B.H.D. Age groups determined by entries, including Championship. The decision of the judge is final. Dance numbers will be provided at registration. Contact [email protected] with questions or visit

No concessions will be provided on-site, but we will have our annual raffle table & on-site vendors. Admission will be $5/person 12 & Under and limited programs will be available on-site for purchase for $5 each (USD only). Children under 12 enter free.

Discounts & Registration Fees: Save $10/event on each registration with our super early bird special by registering by April 3, 2020. Save $5/event on each registration with our early bird special by registering prior to April 17, 2020! Entries close May 1, 2020. Late registrations may be accepted at double fees (from May 1st pricing) until May 8, 2020 and triple fees until May 16, 2020. All discounts accounted for in online pricing. $5 USIR donation included in each entry.

Judges: Jennifer Hastings, Frederick, CO; Bill Troock, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Andrea Tronnes

Pipers: Glen Sinclair, London, Ontario, Canada and Bill Weaver, St. Louis, MI

Host Hotel: Hampton Inn Shelby Township, 51620 Shelby Parkway, Shelby Township, MI 48315, (586) 731-4267 -- special discounted rate of only $109/night with code "CC1" or call and mention "Celtic Classic". Reservations must be made by April 15th to receive discounted rate. Must call with code to make reservation under discounted rates. Book early!


Mailing Address

3975 May Center Road Lake Orion, MI 48360